
2013-Present - Independent Research Consultant

Expert consultant to research team studying quantum dots as biochemical detectors in food industry and water treatment. Provide cross-disciplinary knowledge of biological processes and applications for a team of physicists and chemists. Guide discussion and presentation of results for clarity and understanding by a variety of science audiences.

  • Currently contributing authorship on several publications

2009-2013 - Researcher - Rice University

Primary theoretician, data analyst, and programmer for the development of software to study 
polymers and molecular tethers using Monte Carlo simulation. Designed and wrote Cython/Python software to perform polymer simulations, used statistical mechanics to interpret results, and developed a diffusion-like model of polymer configuration statistics for theoretical analysis.
  • Wrote, debugged and tested several thousand lines of Cython
  • Wrote and submitted grant proposals related to this research
  • Authored and presented findings at national conferences for AIChE and APS

Primary researcher to develop an experimental process of continuous translation on circular RNA, with target applications in industrial protein production. Experimental molecular investigation used in vitro methods and an E. coli chassis to initiate continuous translation on cyclical mRNA molecules through RBS and ribosomal modifications. Analyzed data using Excel and custom scripting in Matlab and Python.
  • Utilized aseptic and RNAse-free technique
  • Designed precise nucleic acid sequences using RBS binding models
  • Performed serial PCR with custom primers
  • Analyzed and purified nucleic acids by gel electrophoresis
  • Quantified DNA and protein by fluorescence and spectrophotometry

2006-2008 - Research Assistant - Rice University

Assisted metabolic engineering research for biofuels production. Designed experiments and assisted gene circuit design to optimize fermentative processes in aerobic environments, and led a fundamental study of plasmid stability in continuous-flow fermentation reactors.
  • Measured fermentation products by HPLC
  • Designed inducible gene circuits in bacteria
  • Extensive use of benchtop fermentors
  • Analyzed microbial populations by flow cytometry

Designed portable power generation system for quick deployment to areas hit by disasters, utilizing microturbines and fuel cells running on syngas produced by pyrolysis of woody debris material gathered at disaster site.
  • Used HYSYS to model and optimize pyrolytic fluidized bed reactor
  • Wrote analytics and optimization software in Matlab and Fortran
  • Performed cost analysis of project and developed deployment plan